
Showing posts from July, 2023

A 60yr(M) chronic Alcoholic with Abdominal Distension

THIS IS AN ONLINE E LOG BOOK TO DISCUSS OUR PATIENT'S DE - IDENTIFIED HEALTH DATA SHARED AFTER TAKING HIS / HER /GUARDIAN'S SIGNED INFORMED CONSENT .HERE WE DISCUSS OUR INDIVIDUAL PATIENT'S PROBLEMS THROUGH SERIES OF INPUTS FROM AVAILABLE GLOBAL ONLINE COMMUNITY OF EXPERTS WITH AN AIM TO SOLVE THOSE CLINICAL PROBLEMS WITH COLLECTIVE CURRENT BEST EVIDENCE BASED INPUT Complaints- A 60yr old male came with complaints of           -abdominal distension                 -decreased urine output           since 4 months -Swelling of B/L lower limbs  HOPI - Patient was aparently asymptomatic 4 months back.He then developed abdominal distension which was insiduous in onset , gradually progressive associated with pain abdomen- squeezing type in umbilical region , aggravted on taking food  with no releiving factors . H//O decreased urine output since 4 months  H/O EDEMA  in B/L lower limbs - Pitting type  extending upto knee level with no aggravating pr releving factors. H/O SOB on exe