
Showing posts from December, 2022

77yr old Male with SOB

THIS IS AN ONLINE E LOG BOOK TO DISCUSS OUR PATIENT'S DE-IDENTIFIED HEALTH DATA SHARED AFTER TAKING HIS / HER /GUARDIAN'S SIGNED INFORMED CONSENT. HERE WE DISCUSS OUR INDIVIDUAL PATIENT'S PROBLEMS THROUGH A SERIES OF INPUTS FROM THE AVAILABLE GLOBAL ONLINE COMMUNITY OF EXPERTS WITH AN AIM TO SOLVE THOSE CLINICAL PROBLEMS WITH COLLECTIVE CURRENT BEST EVIDENCE-BASED INPUT . Rollno.61 Aruna.J A 77 yr old male fruit vendor by occupation came with  Chief Complaints of  SOB and since 1 week . He was apparently asymptomatic 2years back. He went to the hospital with complaints of B/L knee pain diagnosed as Osteoarthritis  along with Hypertension. He was started on medication for Hypertension which he used only occasionally  (Medication unknown). Since 2 months he started developing shortness of breath which was insiduous in onset , gradually progressed as it  appeared on doing any minor physical activity  and progressed to SOB on walking for small distance ( Grade 2 to Grade 3) ass